
String (disk-path)

Not specified


The LogDirectory parameter specifies the directory for Jade message log files. If the parameter is not specified or the LogFile parameter in this section does not contain a path, the directory defaults to the logs directory at the same level as the bin directory.

If you have specified the LogFile parameter in the [JadeLog] section and the parameter value includes a path, your specified log file path is used in place of the default logs directory.

If you specify a relative directory name, the directory is assumed to be relative to the Jade HOME directory. For example, if your installation directory is Jade\bin (that is, your Jade HOME directory is Jade) and you specify LogDirectory=MessageLogs, the full directory path is Jade\MessageLogs.

Parameter is read when …

The node is next initialized; for example, when you restart the database server, application server, or the standard (fat) client.


The application log files (for example, JadeSchema.log and CDFile.log) and the reorganization (jomreorg.log) files are also output to this directory.

The application log files contain a history of all unhandled exceptions that are raised. These directories are relevant to both client and server nodes in a multiuser environment. Exceptions raised by the client node are logged to the log file of the client node that caused the exception.

Although you can configure your Jade initialization file so that the log directory is a shared directory (in which case, all client nodes and Jade applications create log files in the same directory), this could cause problems if files have the same names, as client nodes would create the same file and the output from one exception may get mixed with the output from another client node.